“Dr. Sonny Magana has made a significant contribution to innovation in education with his important book, Disruptive Classroom Technologies, and the T3 Framework. The T3 Framework aligns beautifully with the Visible Learning claims, inviting educational technology use to move beyond the Translational (surface), to also incorporate the Transformational (deep), and the Transcendent (transfer). The T3 Challenge is credible, powerful, and exciting; let’s do it!”
Dr. John Hattie Laureate Professor, Deputy Dean of MGSE, Director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute, Melbourne Graduate School of Education
Imagine what it would be like to be able to double student academic achievement. Wouldn’t that be remarkable? What impact would that have on your classroom? Your school? Your learning community? But is that even possible?
A recent breakthrough from pioneering education researcher Dr. Sonny Magana shows us that not only is it possible, it is within our grasp. The journey to doubling student achievement begins with learning how to use educational technologies to enhance the impact of highly reliable teaching and learning strategies. Dr. Sonny Magana has synthesized four decades of research into the T3 Framework for Innovation. The strategies in the T3 Framework have an Effect Size of ES=1.6, which is equivalent to quadrupling student achievement (Magana & Marzano, 2014). The T3 Framework provides an innovative sequence of learning strategies that educators and leaders can readily learn to master for enormous academic gains.
Book Dr. Magana today!